Wednesday, 30 April 2014


13°C, Wind W 10mph,Overcast dull steady rain, Pressure 1007hPa

Lipje - Circuit 1
Suspect there is a total of 5 Cirl Buntings holding territory around this circuit and I have seen 2 carrying food.
Juv L.T.Tits being fed by adults.

Turtle Dove singing
9 Nightingale singing
Southern Festoon
2 Golden Oriole singing
Wood Lark singing
2 Cuckoo singing
5 Stonechat 3 male 2 pairs
3 Common Whitethroat singing
3+ Blackcap singing
Corn Bunting singing
5 Cirl Bunting 4 singing
3 Yellowhammer singing
Green Woodpecker
6 Long Tailed Tit 4 juvs
Great Tit
Blue Tit 
Wood Pigeon
Collard Dove

Tuesday, 29 April 2014


7- 14°C, Wind light variable, cloudy with little rain 7 some bright intervals,Pressure 1005hPa
Hoopoes calling near Milos's house yesterday must be resident birds ? and Turtle Dove new arrival today, heard only.
Hobby flew over home

Turtle Dove singing
2 Hoopoe singing

Friday, 25 April 2014

FRIDAY 25th APRIL 2014

8°C, Wind NE 7km/h, Overcast dull,


Seems like theres a new species to found every other day. Hobby was excellent after an altercation with the Sparrowhawk, riding the wind off the ridge and getting really close apparently to have a look at me !?

Best view yet of Nightingale, came out of cover flicking wings and fanning tail beautiful bird with warm rusty tones above, creamy off white below and reddish feet quite distinctive.

Wood Warbler singing from different part of wood to other 2 birds heard previously.
Cirl Bunting near home carrying food.
Starling also seen carrying food to nest hole, yet others are still flocking ? 

Sparrowhawk male
Common Whitethroat 
3 Stonechat 2 male + female
6 Nightingale singing
Wood Warbler singing
Cirl bunting
20 + Starling Flock

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


19°C, Wind light from north, overcast,Pressure 1017hPa

Liplje 10:15

The Ortolan flew in to top of Lime tree bordering our garden and began singing, gave five or six phrases and flew off. Didn't recognise the song so checked it immediately on-line on Zeno-canto to confirm what I had seen - a bunting with grey head and neck and a soft buffy orange breast/belly.
A first for me in Serbia, Liplje and the year !
First view of Golden Oriole, male briefly at top of front garden walnut tree.

Ortolan Bunting singing
2 Golden Oriole singing

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


11 °C, Wind light variable, cloudy, rain shower then brighter, sunny, Pressure 1013hPa

Liplje - Circuit 2
Pied Fly was high in trees but seen well enough to see lack of primary patch, and warm brown colouration. Caught one or two insects but soon moved on and silent
Male Whinchats were superb ! never seen that number in one place before. Joined by Stonechat which was probably local breeding male.
Kestrel may be first in Liplje

2 of the Orioles singing close to home and third by Brookside Wood.
WoodLark singing over Spring Meadow but heading towards area where one has been consistently singing

Pied Flycatcher female
7 Whinchat 6 male + female
Kestrel ?
Stonechat male
3 Golden Oriole singing
15 Nightingale singing 
Wood Lark singing
Black Woodpecker
2 G. S.Woodpecker
5+ Blackcap 
Cirl Bunting singing
Yellowhammer singing
song Thrush
Hooded Crow
11 Magpie
Wood Pigeon
Collard Dove
Great Tit
Long Tailed Tit
Marsh Tit

Monday, 21 April 2014

MONDAY 21st APRIL 2014

8-19 °C, Wind E/SE 6-17km/h, sunny earlier becoming overcast and dull later,Pressure 1009 hPa.


Caught site of a raptor moving through the tree tops, almost dismissing it as a Buzzard something made me raise my bins. Colour combination of well demarcated red/brown and pale grey could only be a male Marsh Harrier! Sailed off North over the trees a Buzzard drifting over near by apparently unconcerned.Great to get positive id. on this harrier after missing out on an earlier one this spring.
Saw the Nightingale although in poor light and noticed obvious striations on its breast/belly.
Am now wondering about Thrush nightingale as I assume they migrate through Serbia to breed in north east Europe?
Tree Creepers nesting in ''Lesser Pecker Wood''

Marsh Harrier male
2 Tree-creeper
Nightingale 3 Singing
Cirl Bunting 2 singing
Yellowhammer singing
Black woodpecker calling
G.S. Woodpecker drumming
Green Woodpecker

Saturday, 19 April 2014


9-14 °C, Wind 8-25km/h, overcast,dull with light rain, dry in afternoon, Pressure 1007hPa

Liplje - circuit 1

75 mm / 400ml ! of rain over last 3 days. Has been very welcome as we and many others have been running short of water.
Wood warblers proving unbelievably difficult to see even at what seemed like fairly close range.I was bemused by the fact that I was unable to catch a single glimpse of a species which tend to move around a lot and normally prove moderately difficult to locate. Had the cold weather made them less active ? 
Female Cirl Bunting  at the graveyard carrying food and waiting for me to move on before
no-doubt descending to her nest.
Greenfinches are new on the scene with a male singing next to the graveyard.
Goshawk had me guessing, I was very aware of its long tail combined with its long head/neck, Honey Buzzard crossing my mind however typical Accipiter wing shape. The Hooded Crow getting up from the woods was also a clue, something they dont seem to do for Sparrowhawk.
Marsh Tits nesting in 'Branka's' wood about 3 feet off ground in hole of small tree.
Great Tits feeding young in the roof of our house and in our nest box.
Swallows feeding low together on top of hill and Starlings also feeding together possibly on oak flowers or insects there on.

2 Wood Warbler singing
11 Swallow
Corn Bunting singing
3 Cirl Bunting 1 singing
2 Greenfinch female +1 singing
2 Hawfinch
22 Starling
2 Marsh Tit pair
4 Great Tit 2 pairs
Black Woodpecker

Friday, 18 April 2014

FRIDAY 18th APRIL 2014

7-12 °C, Wind W/NW 14km/h,Persistent rain all day overcast dull with low cloud,Pressure 1005hPa
Weather has turned very wet with over 50mm of rain in the last 2 days!
Today's low temperature and rain has stopped many species singing no doubt the need to find food becoming more urgent.
The Redstart seen breifly in the built up area of  town.
Wood Warbler giving somewhat shortened trilling part of song only. Not seen.
Corn Bunting same place again as yesterday.

Ljig - 09:45

Common Redstart male

Liplje - Circuit 1 - 14:50-16:00

Wood Warbler singing
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Corn Bunting singing
Cirl bunting
Tree Sparrow

Thursday, 17 April 2014


6-10  °C, Wind N/NE9 km/h, overcast dull with rain showers,Pressure 1013 hPa

Liplje - Circuit 1(brief visit)

Oriole singing from same location for third day but still not seen.
Best views yet of Black Woodpecker feeding low down on rotten tree stump.
Incredible noise from its wings in flight at close range ! Was quite confiding considering how elusive he has been.Hoping this is part of its territory, just east of our home.
Corn Bunting back singing where I first encountered one back on the 23rd March ?!
Common Whitethroat giving sub song on area known as South bank.
Lesser White singing just below graveyard.

Golden Oriole singing
Common Whitethroat singing
Lesser Whitethroat singing
Corn Bunting singing
Black Woodpecker male

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


8 °C, Wind NW at 10 to 15 kmh, overcast with light rain most of day,Pressure 1014 hPa


Heard the Oriole at close range for quite prolonged period and no Jays seen or heard in the vicinity so pretty sure this was the real McCoy. Typically did not show.
Goshawk just looks bigger stronger and has slower and possibly shallower wing beats than Sparrowhawk.

Golden Oriole singing
Northern Goshawk over E

Sunday, 13 April 2014

SUNDAY 13th APRIL 2014

12 °C, Wind light variable,90% light cloud cover,Pressure 1017hPa

Liplje - Circuit 2 less last 1km to main road

Amazing ! yet another Woodpecker species on my doorstep, the diversity/density here is just astounding.
First heard the Grey-headed Woodpecker and thought that just isnt right for Green, 
the notes were straight without the ringing quality also each sequence given much more frequently. Was seen briefly in flight, noticed paler head and yellow rump. Also possilbly heard drumming, a consistent 1 sec.roll, maybe dropping slightly at the end,not as loud or as brief as G.S. Woodpecker. Feel Im starting to get my ear in with these woodpecker drum rolls.
Yet more Nightingales ! at least 3 if not 4 more singing which brings the total for last 2 days to 11.
Wryneck singing close to where original bird was heard so this could be a 3rd male.
The Cuckoo which now has taken to singing close to our house is ranging from the valley bottom to the woods behind us, a distance approacing 1 km.
Surprised there arn't more Chiffchaffs here as the habitat seems ideal,have realised the one we did have is no longer singing so wondering if it was a short stay migrant ?, or has it been predated ?

Grey-headed Woodpecker singing
Great Spotted Woodpecker male
Green Woodpecker calling
6 Nightingale singing
Wryneck singing
Great Tit
Song Thrush
Cirl Bunting singing
Starling singing
Chaffinch singing
Yellowhammer singing
Robin singing

Chiffchaff notable by its absence

Saturday, 12 April 2014


Liplje - Circuit 1 06:45-08:30
First Common & Lesser Whitethroats this year both singing strongly.
2 Wrynecks sat in tree together with one bird singing and a little neck stretching/body swaying noted.These were then joined by 3rd bird all sitting close, stand off ? while one bird continuing to sing.
Seems to be an increase in Nightingale again.
Swallow singing on power cable so hopefully here to breed.

Common Whitethroat singing
Lesser Whitethroat singing
Serin over calling
3 Wryneck 1 singing
8 Nightingale singing
6-8 Blackcap 6 singing
2 Swallow 1singing
3 Stonechat males
2 Cuckoo singing
Short-toed Treecreeper ? singing
2 G.S. Woodpecker
2 Cirl Bunting singing
2 Yellowhammer singing
3 Chaffinch singing
2 Marsh Tit
5 Great tit singing
2 Blue Tit singing
4 Blackbird singing
2 Song Thrush singing
1Tree Sparrow singing
2 Magpie pair
3 Jay
2 Buzzard
5 Pheasant 2 males
3+ Robin singing
Starling 5 singing 
2 Collard Dove

Thursday, 10 April 2014


12 °C, Wind NW 10-15 mph, sunny with fair weather cloud, Pressure 1017 hPa

Liplje - Circuit 1
Wrynecks were singing in different area to previous bird and in close proximity to one another, one bird perched out on top of low scrub/tree line in full view.
Good views of Treecreeper showing clean white eyebrow and lower belly/vent.
Probably 5 pairs of Starling mostly at the houses.
Tree Sparrow seen flying to nest hole at Milos's roof with food.

2 Wryneck singing
4 Nightingale singing
6 Blackcap singing
7 Swallow over N
Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus malvae
4 Stonechat males
2 Wood Lark 1or2 singing
3 Cuckoo singing
Tree Creeper
2 G.S. Woodpecker drumming
Cirl Bunting singing
3 Yellowhammer singing
4 Chaffinch singing
4 Great tit singing
4 Blackbird singing
2 Song Thrush singing
2 Tree Sparrow 1 singing
10 + House Sparrow
White Wagtail over 
4 Jay
Sooty Copper (Lycaena tityrus) female
3 Raven
3 Pheasant males
3+ Robin singing
8 Starling 5 singing 
2 Collard Dove

Butterfly's - 

Grizzled Skipper (probable)
Dingy Skipper (probable)
Small Copper
Red Admiral
Camberwell Beauty
Sooty Copper (Lycaena tityrus)

Monday, 7 April 2014


6 - 18*C, Wind light variable, light cloud cover, Pressure 1018 hPa 

Liplje - Circuit 1 06:00 - 08:00

Wryneck is fabulous giving excellent views, strange serpentine quality, unassuming but for its song, with an air of vulnerability. Have often imagined what this bird would have been like in an old English orchard, now long since gone. Now finally have one to observe.
2 Nightingales arrived Saturday night and 3 or 4 more last night.
Seem to be back down to one Wood Lark singing in flight, usual spot at top of hill.
Hawfinch seen with nesting material in woodland to the front of our house.

Wryneck singing

5/6 Nightingale singing
2 Cuckoo singing
7 Blackcap singing
Chiffchaff singing
Wood Lark singing
5 Stonechat 4 males 2 singing + female
Black Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker male
2 Hawfinch pair
4 Cirl Bunting singing
3 Yellowhammer singing
4 Chaffinch 2 singing
Tree Sparrow
11 House Sparrow single flock
6 Starling 3 Pairs 2 singing
Song Thrush
4+ Great tit 2 singing
4 Blue Tit 2 pairs
Hooded crow

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


7-18 °C,Wind light variable,light cloud mostly sunny, Pressure 1012


Corn Bunting singing from different location to previous bird, this time on "South Bank"
Blue Tits nesting 

2 Cuckoo 1 singing
Corn Bunting singing
2 Blue Tit
Black Woodpecker near home

Butterflys -
Titania's Fritillary (Boloria titania )
Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus) ?
Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)
Camberwell Beauty ( Nymphalis antiopa)
Large Tortoishell