Monday, 8 September 2014


15 - 25°C,Wind light variable, mostly cloudy but brighter than recently and some hazy sun, pressure 29.98 - 30.04inHG

Liplje - Home, The Ridge and elsewhere.

This morning the Bee-eaters and Swallows drifted over East with 1 swift then later in the afternoon I found one of the Whitethroats feeding on the village track, it looked completely different on the ground and had me guessing for a while, then as soon as the sun began to break through the raptors were up with the Hobby stooping a few times on the Goshawk,the former looking quite diminutive next to its mighty cousin.

The Flycatchers all at different locations around the village.
Aso in the afternoon a single Yellow Wag and Tree Pipit went over calling and heading NE.
Later still 100 + Swallows and 1 Swift moved through quickly North followed by another single Swift at dusk and 6 Tree pipits dropping in to roost.
Additionally 6 or so large Bats flew through feeding at some height but heading South, surprisingly these are the first Bats Ive seen in Serbia.

A real sense today now that the weather has cleared somewhat that more birds are on the move.
Why are so many of these migrants heading North and East ? can only imagine they going around the northern end of the Adriatic, through Southern Europe and crossing at Gibraltar ?

Home -
7 + Tree Pipit 6 in from S, 1 over NE
Yellow Wagtail over NE
3 Common Whitethroat
Wood Warbler 
Spotted Flycatcher
Goshawk female
Common Buzzard
20+ Bee-eater over E
25 Swallows/martins over East
100 + Swallow over N
2 Swift 1 over N, 1 over S

The Ridge -
3 Whinchat
Spotted Flcatcher
3 Common Whitthroat together
Wood Warbler

Elsewhere in the village 
2 Spotted Flycatcher

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