9-14°C,Wind NW up to 15mph,cloudy dull brighter later,pressure 30.02inHG
Liplje and Ljig over the last 7 days
The Golden
Orioles seem to have left us with no sign for over a week now and I have
the feeling that could be the last of the Nightingales also.
Just singles of the
Whitethroats and the odd Wood Warbler hanging out with the tit flocks.
3 or 4
Spot Flys still dotted around Circuit 1 and likewise with the Shrikes.
A few Tree Pipits still very much in evidence feeding in the short meadows or flying over.
2 Whinchats and a new Stonechat up on The Ridge.
Common Whitethroat
Wood Warbler
Tree Pipit
Spotted Flycatcher
Red Backed Shrike
Cuckoo 1st-y
4 Wood Lark
60 Starling over NE
Swallow small parties over S or SE
Ljig - the river just south of town
Little Egret
Grey Heron
2 Common Sandpiper
What great photos of the cuckoo