8°C, feels like 4 °C, wind N 38 km/h, overcast, dull.
Paljuvi Lake, Kolubara
3 Mallard
4 Gargany
12 Great Crested Grebe
Little Egret
Grey Heron
2 Buzzard
2 Moorhen
2Black Headed Gull
Little Owl
2 Long Eared Owl juvs
5 Magpie
18 Hooded Crow
70 Barn Swallow
White Wagtail
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Monday, 6 April 2015
5°C feels like 2,°C, wind N 25 km/h, dull overcast, pressure 1014 hPa constant.
Liplje -
all of the following on The Ridge amongst heaps of manure on a weedy field
6 Serin 2 male & 4 female
3 Tree Pipit
4 Black Redstart 1 male & 3 female
2 White Wagtail
Liplje -
all of the following on The Ridge amongst heaps of manure on a weedy field
6 Serin 2 male & 4 female
3 Tree Pipit
4 Black Redstart 1 male & 3 female
2 White Wagtail
Overcast, dull with persistant drizzle and rain.
Wheatear male again on the Ridge
Wheatear male again on the Ridge
1-8°C, wind S 16 km/h, clear and sunny.
Paljuvi and Jabucje village
Jabucje village 07:00 - 10:15
Superb night herons were close to the road, beautiful in flight with wonderful croaking call. Cracking bird which I've only ever seen once before when I twitched a single bird many years ago in blighty'. Guess these must be photograph.s' there are no reed beds here for them to breed in' (Dragan Simic) However they do also breed in trees.
Purple heron is an early bird I think only the secound recorded this Spring in Serbia.
Disappointedly the flock of small grebes had gone along with half the Great crests and apparently all the Little Grebes, there were none seen even in the wooded shallows which I checked on a large part of the shore along the NW and SW borders.
Disappointing also for the Belgade birders who would have twitched this bird this morning not least Dragan who has not seen this species in Serbia. I have to admit to being ignorant of just how rare this bird is in Serbia and on reflection would have tried harder to get better views for a photograph
25 Night Heron roosting in trees in the shallows
Purple Heron over leisurely N to S
Grey Heron
Marsh Harrier over North
3 Mallard
11 Shoveler
34 Garganey
10 Great Crested Grebe
2 Coot
6 Hooded Crow
6 MagpieMagpie 2 nesting
2 Jakdaw
80+ Swallow
Great tit
3 Chiffchaff 1 singing
3 Blackcap singing
15 Starling
12 Goldfinch
2 Tree Sparrow
Paljuvi and Jabucje village
Jabucje village 07:00 - 10:15
Superb night herons were close to the road, beautiful in flight with wonderful croaking call. Cracking bird which I've only ever seen once before when I twitched a single bird many years ago in blighty'. Guess these must be photograph.s' there are no reed beds here for them to breed in' (Dragan Simic) However they do also breed in trees.
Purple heron is an early bird I think only the secound recorded this Spring in Serbia.
Disappointedly the flock of small grebes had gone along with half the Great crests and apparently all the Little Grebes, there were none seen even in the wooded shallows which I checked on a large part of the shore along the NW and SW borders.
Disappointing also for the Belgade birders who would have twitched this bird this morning not least Dragan who has not seen this species in Serbia. I have to admit to being ignorant of just how rare this bird is in Serbia and on reflection would have tried harder to get better views for a photograph
25 Night Heron roosting in trees in the shallows
Purple Heron over leisurely N to S
Grey Heron
Marsh Harrier over North
3 Mallard
11 Shoveler
34 Garganey
10 Great Crested Grebe
2 Coot
6 Hooded Crow
6 MagpieMagpie 2 nesting
2 Jakdaw
80+ Swallow
Great tit
3 Chiffchaff 1 singing
3 Blackcap singing
15 Starling
12 Goldfinch
2 Tree Sparrow
Friday, 3 April 2015
8°C felt like 3°C, wind NW 40 km/h, 50% overcast with sunny intervals, pressure 1017 hPa
Paljuvi Lake, Kolubara
Flotilla of 20 small Grebes out near centre of lake, difficult to id due to the distance and the fact that they were mostly all sleeping on fairly choppy water, Black-necked identified mostly on jizz including upright perky head flicking stance, high forehead /head shape and rusty orange flanks. Slavonian on rusty orange flanks, blazing gold 'horns' and lower swimming position. Near by Great Crests looking over twice their size.
Little grebes in contrast were all together in the shallows with the Garganey and Pochards and Ferruginous near by.
2 Slavonian Grebe
1 Black-necked Grebe
22 Great Crested Grebe
11 Little Grebe
4 Ferruginous Duck 1 or 2 males
46 Garganey
8 Pochard
2 Gadwall pair
2 Coot
Egret sp probably Little
Grey Heron
Linnet female
Paljuvi Lake, Kolubara
Flotilla of 20 small Grebes out near centre of lake, difficult to id due to the distance and the fact that they were mostly all sleeping on fairly choppy water, Black-necked identified mostly on jizz including upright perky head flicking stance, high forehead /head shape and rusty orange flanks. Slavonian on rusty orange flanks, blazing gold 'horns' and lower swimming position. Near by Great Crests looking over twice their size.
Little grebes in contrast were all together in the shallows with the Garganey and Pochards and Ferruginous near by.
2 Slavonian Grebe
1 Black-necked Grebe
22 Great Crested Grebe
11 Little Grebe
4 Ferruginous Duck 1 or 2 males
46 Garganey
8 Pochard
2 Gadwall pair
2 Coot
Egret sp probably Little
Grey Heron
Linnet female
4°C feels like -1°C, wind W/NW 24km/h, mostly overcast with some sunny spells, pressure
1017 hPa and rising
Liplje 07:15 - 09:30
All the redstarts on the ridge feeding amongst the piles of farmyard manure with the stonechats and the near by singing Woodlark.
Tree Pipit over NW
6 Black Redstart 3 male & 3 female
2 Stonechat male & female
5 Swallow over NW
3 White Wagtail 1 pair at Branka's
4 Wood Lark 1 singing 3 over NW
15 Starling over NW 4+10+1
4 Redwing/Song Thrush over W
3 Pheasant male & 2 females
2 Magpie
Cirl Bunting
Tree Sparrow
1017 hPa and rising
Liplje 07:15 - 09:30
All the redstarts on the ridge feeding amongst the piles of farmyard manure with the stonechats and the near by singing Woodlark.
Tree Pipit over NW
6 Black Redstart 3 male & 3 female
2 Stonechat male & female
5 Swallow over NW
3 White Wagtail 1 pair at Branka's
4 Wood Lark 1 singing 3 over NW
15 Starling over NW 4+10+1
4 Redwing/Song Thrush over W
3 Pheasant male & 2 females
2 Magpie
Cirl Bunting
Tree Sparrow
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
10 °C, 5 °C later and dropping, wind W 14km/h,Overcast & dull with rain showers, pressure 1013hPa and rising
The Black Stork reminded me of the one I saw here last year and again I had the feeling it was prospecting or new where it was going locally.
Wheatear again in same field on The Ridge, a pale bird with none of the sparkle of a spring male. Mantle had a hint of brown in the grey, mask was more brown black and the white eyebrow not very prominent. A first year male perhaps ?
Black Stork over fairly leisurely North up the wooded valley
Wheatear (Northern)
3 Chiffchaff 1 singing
2 Black Redstart male and female, not paired
Stonechat male
2 White Wagtail
Butterfly's yesterday -
Holly Blue
Large Tortoishell
3 Orange tip
Green Veined White
The Black Stork reminded me of the one I saw here last year and again I had the feeling it was prospecting or new where it was going locally.
Wheatear again in same field on The Ridge, a pale bird with none of the sparkle of a spring male. Mantle had a hint of brown in the grey, mask was more brown black and the white eyebrow not very prominent. A first year male perhaps ?
Black Stork over fairly leisurely North up the wooded valley
Wheatear (Northern)
3 Chiffchaff 1 singing
2 Black Redstart male and female, not paired
Stonechat male
2 White Wagtail
Butterfly's yesterday -
Holly Blue
Large Tortoishell
3 Orange tip
Green Veined White
MONDAY 30th MARCH 2015
- 11°C, wind light from South, mostly overcast with brighter intervals.
- Paljuvi Lake Kolubara & Jabucje village centre Kolubara
- Paljuvi Lake -
- Ospreys were a great surprise and all to brief, both birds on their way out when I saw them, the first moving out NE and the possible second an hour later, moving out NE/E.
- The Harriers came in late and were difficult to observe. First 2 together then a third following closely behind. I was wondering if they could be using a common roost site ?
- Good selection of duck with great views of spanking male Gargany's pestering a female.
- Little Egret is early for here I think.Had fabulous long head plume.
- First Long Eared owls in Serbia for me and so nice to find my own. Right in the middle of the village with noisy vehicles and lights near by. The young were in conifers calling and the adult did a fly by on a couple of occasions.
2 Gadwall pair - 8 Shoveler 6 male + 2 female
- 2 Pintail pair
- 9 Gargany pair + 6 males + female
- 8 Pheasant females
- 16 Great Crested Grebe some paired & courting
- Grey Heron
- Little Egret on submerged tree preening
- 1/2 Osprey
- Marsh Harrier
- 2 Harrier sp.
- Moorhen
- Common Sandpiper on rocky shore
- Yellow-legged/Caspian Gull 2nd cal
- 2 Wood Pigeon nesting
- Green Woodpecker singing
- Jay
- Magpie
- 6 Hooded Crow 3 pairs
- 14 Swallow feeding, and resting on bank side vegetation
- Chiffchaff singing
- Song Thrush singing
- 90 Starling 3 flocks
- Jabucje village centre -
- 3 Long Eared Owl adult + 2 Juvs
FRIDAY 27th & 29th MARCH 2015
16°C, wind NW 11km/h, overcast with light rain showers.
27th March - Liplje
2 Pheasant females
23 Grey Heron 11 birds sitting on nests in Heron Wood
Marsh Harrier male over N
Hen Harrier male over E
Sparrowhawk female
Collard Dove
Black Woodpecker
4 Jay
2 Magpie
2 Jackdaw
2 Raven on nest in Heronry
3 Skylark flew out N
Black Redstart female
4 Stonechat 2 pairs, new pair in by main road as last year
2 Blackbird
Song Thrush
32 Starling single flock some singing
White Wagtail
Cirl Bunting singing
29th March
Blackcap singing near home
27th March - Liplje
2 Pheasant females
23 Grey Heron 11 birds sitting on nests in Heron Wood
Marsh Harrier male over N
Hen Harrier male over E
Sparrowhawk female
Collard Dove
Black Woodpecker
4 Jay
2 Magpie
2 Jackdaw
2 Raven on nest in Heronry
3 Skylark flew out N
Black Redstart female
4 Stonechat 2 pairs, new pair in by main road as last year
2 Blackbird
Song Thrush
32 Starling single flock some singing
White Wagtail
Cirl Bunting singing
29th March
Blackcap singing near home
Clear and mild
Woodcock roding again close to home
Tawny Owl calling/singing
Woodcock roding again close to home
Tawny Owl calling/singing
7°C, wind SE 20 km/h, light cloud cover, mostly sunny.
Liplje 6:00-7:35
2 Feral Pigeon
2 Wood Pigeon
Collard Dove
G. S. Woodpecker 2 drumming
Black Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
10 Jay party of 8 very vocal and courting
2 Magpie
2 Hooded Crow
4 Raven
Woodlark possibly 2 singing
Marsh Tit singing
4 Great Tit
Blue Tit
2 Nuthatch
3 Robin
2 Black Redstart
3 Stonechat 1 pair + male, 2 singing
2 Blackbird
2 Song Thrush
8 Starling single flock some singing, one mimicing G.Oriole
Cirl Bunting
Chaffinch singing
2 Hawfinch
House Sparrow
Liplje 6:00-7:35
2 Feral Pigeon
2 Wood Pigeon
Collard Dove
G. S. Woodpecker 2 drumming
Black Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
10 Jay party of 8 very vocal and courting
2 Magpie
2 Hooded Crow
4 Raven
Woodlark possibly 2 singing
Marsh Tit singing
4 Great Tit
Blue Tit
2 Nuthatch
3 Robin
2 Black Redstart
3 Stonechat 1 pair + male, 2 singing
2 Blackbird
2 Song Thrush
8 Starling single flock some singing, one mimicing G.Oriole
Cirl Bunting
Chaffinch singing
2 Hawfinch
House Sparrow
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Heronry Census - the heronry is located close to the main road 22, known by me as Heron Wood.
21 Grey Heron
12 birds sitting on nests with 6 mates near by. 3 on partially built nests and possibly 1 unoccupied.
Heronry Census - the heronry is located close to the main road 22, known by me as Heron Wood.
21 Grey Heron
12 birds sitting on nests with 6 mates near by. 3 on partially built nests and possibly 1 unoccupied.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
6°C, wind N/NW 19mph, partly cloudy with sunny intervals.
First Stonechat of the year.Migrating flock of wagtails feeding on new ploughed field.
Wood Pigeon
Green Woodpecker
4 Jay
2 Woodlark 1 singing
Marsh tit
9 Great tit
2 Blue tit
4 Robin singing
Blackbird singing
3 Song Thrush singing
2 Starling over N
11 White Wagtail
4 Yellowhammer 1 singing
Cirl Bunting singing
10 Chaffinch 1 singing
6+ Tree Sparrow
10°C, wind light variable, cloudy with sunny intervals
Harrier in same field as previous male Hen Harrier in January, one to watch ? Showed strong streaking on underside with creamy/yellowish background. Inner half of underwing noticeably darker. Upper wing not uniform with various grey brown areas. . Some orangey tones noticed on upper tail feathers. Flushed Pheasants a few times and possibly the Heron and Egret off the near by river.
Lapwings hanging about so worth a later visit to see if they are breeding.
Latković, Kolubara
Hen Harrier female / juv
5 Pheasant
Grey Heron
Great White Egret
2 Northern Lapwing
2 Magpie
2 Hooded Crow
Harrier in same field as previous male Hen Harrier in January, one to watch ? Showed strong streaking on underside with creamy/yellowish background. Inner half of underwing noticeably darker. Upper wing not uniform with various grey brown areas. . Some orangey tones noticed on upper tail feathers. Flushed Pheasants a few times and possibly the Heron and Egret off the near by river.
Lapwings hanging about so worth a later visit to see if they are breeding.
Latković, Kolubara
Hen Harrier female / juv
5 Pheasant
Grey Heron
Great White Egret
2 Northern Lapwing
2 Magpie
2 Hooded Crow
Sunday, 15 March 2015
SUNDAY 15th MARCH 2015
11°C, wind E S/E 13km/h, partly cloudy, mostly sunny,pressure 1029hPa and rising
Liplje - within a few hundred meters of home
Middle Spotted Woodpecker male
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker
2 Jay
Wood Lark singing
10 Great tit
2 Blue tit
2 Marsh tit
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin singing
7 Blackbird 1 singing
3 Song Thrush singing
2 yellowhammer
Cirl Bunting
14 Chaffinch 1 singing
4 Tree Sparrow
17:55 -
6 Fieldfare over N
Liplje - within a few hundred meters of home
Middle Spotted Woodpecker male
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker
2 Jay
Wood Lark singing
10 Great tit
2 Blue tit
2 Marsh tit
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin singing
7 Blackbird 1 singing
3 Song Thrush singing
2 yellowhammer
Cirl Bunting
14 Chaffinch 1 singing
4 Tree Sparrow
17:55 -
6 Fieldfare over N
Saturday, 14 March 2015
3-6°C, wind light from SW, cloudy, pressure 1027hPa and rising
Fieldfares and starlings feeding on arable land with Greenfiches and Tree Sparrows near by.
Blackbirds still feeding on last of the ivy berries. Seems to be an important winter food which by the cutting down of just s few of the ivy covered trees could have a significant effect on their winter survival numbers. The hawthorn does not seem to carry fruit into the winter as it does in Blighty nor are there any ornamentals for them to feed on such as pyracantha, holly, sorbus sp. ect.
Probably my best flock of Greenfiches so far.
Pheasants in seperate male and female groups.
10 Pheasant 3 male & 7 female
60 Starling
25 Fieldfare
7 Blackbird
26 Greenfinch
Cirl bunting male
4 Chaffinch
30 Tree Sparrow
3 Goldfinch
5+ Common Crane
Flew over calling in two flocks of 3+ and 2 close to house, heading North.
Fantastic evocative call all the more magical for echoing around our hilltop on a misty night !
I attempted to mimic their call and possibly with some success especially with the first flock which appeared to get closer and linger a little.
Fieldfares and starlings feeding on arable land with Greenfiches and Tree Sparrows near by.
Blackbirds still feeding on last of the ivy berries. Seems to be an important winter food which by the cutting down of just s few of the ivy covered trees could have a significant effect on their winter survival numbers. The hawthorn does not seem to carry fruit into the winter as it does in Blighty nor are there any ornamentals for them to feed on such as pyracantha, holly, sorbus sp. ect.
Probably my best flock of Greenfiches so far.
Pheasants in seperate male and female groups.
10 Pheasant 3 male & 7 female
60 Starling
25 Fieldfare
7 Blackbird
26 Greenfinch
Cirl bunting male
4 Chaffinch
30 Tree Sparrow
3 Goldfinch
5+ Common Crane
Flew over calling in two flocks of 3+ and 2 close to house, heading North.
Fantastic evocative call all the more magical for echoing around our hilltop on a misty night !
I attempted to mimic their call and possibly with some success especially with the first flock which appeared to get closer and linger a little.
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Overcast, sleet, rain, cold
15 Fieldfare over SE
2 Mistle Thrush
24 Great tit
25 Tree Sparrow
15 Fieldfare over SE
2 Mistle Thrush
24 Great tit
25 Tree Sparrow
Friday, 6 March 2015
0-3°C, wind N light, overcsst dull snowing and light covering, pressure 1027 hPa and falling
Liplje Sumadija Serbia
Return of the snow this morning and the finches with it.
2 Grest potted Woodpecker
2 Middle Spotted Woodpecker
2 Nuthatch
2 marsh tit
20 Great tit
2 Blue tit
8 Yellowhammer
7 Chaffinch 3 female
2 Tree Sparrow
2 Cirl Bunting
Liplje Sumadija Serbia
Return of the snow this morning and the finches with it.
2 Grest potted Woodpecker
2 Middle Spotted Woodpecker
2 Nuthatch
2 marsh tit
20 Great tit
2 Blue tit
8 Yellowhammer
7 Chaffinch 3 female
2 Tree Sparrow
2 Cirl Bunting
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
0-12°C, wind S/SE 8-12 mph, mostly clear sunny, pressure 1025 hPa and falling
New one for the Walnut list, Collard Dove this morning.
Appeares we have a pair each of Great and Middle Spotted Woody's visiting regularly to feed on pig fat put out for them.
New one for the Walnut list, Collard Dove this morning.
Appeares we have a pair each of Great and Middle Spotted Woody's visiting regularly to feed on pig fat put out for them.
Sunday, 1 March 2015
5-14°C, wind light from SW, light cloud clearing, sunny, pressure 1014 hPa and falling
Identified the "song" of the Middle Spot today though believe I may of heard it last week and passed it off as one of the many Jay calls and of course it may have been mimicked by this clever corvid.
Again heard the Short-toed Treecreeper song and call but unable to identify which of the two Treecreepers it may have been.
7 Fieldfare over North yesterday.
Pleased to see pair of Tree Sparrows investigating my nest box along with 2 Great tits at the same box at Raspberry plantation.
Liplje at home 6:30 am
Middle Spotted Woodpecker male singing
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker female & male drumming
Green Woodpecker singing
3 Fieldfare over N
2 Song Thrush singing
Blackbird singing
2 Great tit singing
2 Cirl Bunting male & female
Yellowhammer singing
07:45 - 09:30
Circuit 1
Green Woodpecker singing
Great Spotted Woodpecker
4 Skylark over N
26 Fieldfare over E
Mistle Thrush
White Wagtail flyover
4 Great tit 1 singing
2 Blue tit
2 Long tailed tit agitated
Wood pigeon display flight
3 Jay
2 Feral pigeon
2 Collard Dove
Robin singing
Cirl Bunting male singing
Hawfinch female
3 Brambling
Chaffinch male singing
6 Tree Sparrow
7 House Sparrow
Identified the "song" of the Middle Spot today though believe I may of heard it last week and passed it off as one of the many Jay calls and of course it may have been mimicked by this clever corvid.
Again heard the Short-toed Treecreeper song and call but unable to identify which of the two Treecreepers it may have been.
7 Fieldfare over North yesterday.
Pleased to see pair of Tree Sparrows investigating my nest box along with 2 Great tits at the same box at Raspberry plantation.
Liplje at home 6:30 am
Middle Spotted Woodpecker male singing
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker female & male drumming
Green Woodpecker singing
3 Fieldfare over N
2 Song Thrush singing
Blackbird singing
2 Great tit singing
2 Cirl Bunting male & female
Yellowhammer singing
07:45 - 09:30
Circuit 1
Green Woodpecker singing
Great Spotted Woodpecker
4 Skylark over N
26 Fieldfare over E
Mistle Thrush
White Wagtail flyover
4 Great tit 1 singing
2 Blue tit
2 Long tailed tit agitated
Wood pigeon display flight
3 Jay
2 Feral pigeon
2 Collard Dove
Robin singing
Cirl Bunting male singing
Hawfinch female
3 Brambling
Chaffinch male singing
6 Tree Sparrow
7 House Sparrow
Monday, 23 February 2015
3-15°C, wind SE 7mph,light cloud sunny,pressure 1005hPa and falling
Cirl Bunting singing at graveyard
Yellowhammer singing at home
2 Goshawk females flying together
Cirl Bunting singing at graveyard
Yellowhammer singing at home
2 Goshawk females flying together
Liplje Å umadija Serbia
From home
Wood pigeon singing
Song Thrush singing
3 Buzzard territorial calling
6 Fieldfare over N
8 Yellowhammer
20 Great tit
5 Blue tit
Marsh tit
From home
Wood pigeon singing
Song Thrush singing
3 Buzzard territorial calling
6 Fieldfare over N
8 Yellowhammer
20 Great tit
5 Blue tit
Marsh tit
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
110 Mixed finch flock -
70 Tree Sparrow
30 Chaffinch
8 Brambling
2 Greenfinch
42 Fieldfare
1 Starling
2 Hawfinch
Home feeding station -
2 Bullfinch females
2 Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker male drumming
14 Great tit
5 Blue tit
13 Yellowhammer
Tree Sparrow
70 Tree Sparrow
30 Chaffinch
8 Brambling
2 Greenfinch
42 Fieldfare
1 Starling
2 Hawfinch
Home feeding station -
2 Bullfinch females
2 Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker male drumming
14 Great tit
5 Blue tit
13 Yellowhammer
Tree Sparrow
Friday, 13 February 2015
-3 - 8 °C, wind N/NE 3-9kph, clear sunny, pressure 1027hPa and falling
Hawfinch came down to the apple tree to have a look at the feeding station but was not persuaded. Sparrowhawk becoming a regular visitor at the feeding station for obvious reasons. May explain disappearance of one of the Tree Sparrows ?
Blackbirds still feeding on Ivy berries.
First signs of Spring with hellebore, primrose, speedwell and dandelion in flower.
2 Tawny Owl heard at dusk 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 f'male + male
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
6 Blackbird
15 Great Tit
5 Blue Tit
Marsh Tit
Cirl Bunting male
3 Chaffinch
6 Yellowhammer
3 Tree Sparrow
2 Goldcrest
2 Jay
2 Raven
Hooded Crow
5 Roe Deer 1 Stag
Hawfinch came down to the apple tree to have a look at the feeding station but was not persuaded. Sparrowhawk becoming a regular visitor at the feeding station for obvious reasons. May explain disappearance of one of the Tree Sparrows ?
Blackbirds still feeding on Ivy berries.
First signs of Spring with hellebore, primrose, speedwell and dandelion in flower.
2 Tawny Owl heard at dusk 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 f'male + male
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
6 Blackbird
15 Great Tit
5 Blue Tit
Marsh Tit
Cirl Bunting male
3 Chaffinch
6 Yellowhammer
3 Tree Sparrow
2 Goldcrest
2 Jay
2 Raven
Hooded Crow
5 Roe Deer 1 Stag
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Liplje - to Ljubinkas and back
Good views of the Treecreeper showing buff lower belly/rump and calling.
Sparrowhawk was a garden tick perching very close to our bird table.
The Tawny was sat on our electricity pole above the bird table no doubt attracted by the mice feeding on the grain below it.
Tawny Owl
2 Goldcrest
Short-toed Treecreeper
M.S. woodpecker
G. s. Woodpecker
3 Nuthatch
6 Jay
80 Hooded crow
Sparrowhawk male
12 Great tit
4 Blue tit
3 Marsh tit
2 Brambling
2 Chaffinch
15 Yellowhammer
4 Tree Sparrow
Good views of the Treecreeper showing buff lower belly/rump and calling.
Sparrowhawk was a garden tick perching very close to our bird table.
The Tawny was sat on our electricity pole above the bird table no doubt attracted by the mice feeding on the grain below it.
Tawny Owl
2 Goldcrest
Short-toed Treecreeper
G. s. Woodpecker
3 Nuthatch
6 Jay
80 Hooded crow
Sparrowhawk male
12 Great tit
4 Blue tit
3 Marsh tit
2 Brambling
2 Chaffinch
15 Yellowhammer
4 Tree Sparrow
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
2°C, wind W/NW 14kph, overcast dull light snow earlier and last night about 3cm, pressure 1016 and falling.
Liplje - Finch numbers rising recently with fantastic flock of 37 Yellowhammer (Mon) and new maximums of 6 Chaffinch and 4 Tree Sparrow today.
Circuit 1 and feeding station at home
Green Woodpecker
3 Jay
2 Great tit
14 Goldfinch
4 Tree Sparrow
8 Feral Pigeon
Feeding Station -
G.S. Woodpecker
M.S. Woodpecker
Brambling calling
35 Yellowhammer
6 Chaffinch 3 male & 3 female
4 Tree Sparrow
10 + Great tit
5 Blue Tit
2 Marsh tit
The Lightening tree
My lightening tree stricken but not dead
Speaks to me but has no head
holds out its limbs remenants of great boughs
pleads to thunder god Perun
look what have you done
Bed of thorns
Deformed and scarred
My burnt and blackened heart
Liplje - Finch numbers rising recently with fantastic flock of 37 Yellowhammer (Mon) and new maximums of 6 Chaffinch and 4 Tree Sparrow today.
Circuit 1 and feeding station at home
Green Woodpecker
3 Jay
The Lightening Tree |
2 Great tit
14 Goldfinch
4 Tree Sparrow
8 Feral Pigeon
Feeding Station -
G.S. Woodpecker
M.S. Woodpecker
Brambling calling
35 Yellowhammer
6 Chaffinch 3 male & 3 female
4 Tree Sparrow
10 + Great tit
5 Blue Tit
2 Marsh tit
The Lightening tree
My lightening tree stricken but not dead
Speaks to me but has no head
holds out its limbs remenants of great boughs
pleads to thunder god Perun
look what have you done
Bed of thorns
Deformed and scarred
My burnt and blackened heart
Monday, 26 January 2015
0°C, wind 16kmh from NW, overcast ,dull ,light snow, fresh snow on trees and patchy on ground, pressure 1023 hPa
Liplje - at home feeding station
37 Yellowhammer
3 Cirl Bunting 2 male & female
3 Chaffinch 2 male & female
3 Tree Sparrow
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker male & female
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Liplje - at home feeding station
37 Yellowhammer
3 Cirl Bunting 2 male & female
3 Chaffinch 2 male & female
3 Tree Sparrow
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker male & female
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Saturday, 24 January 2015
2-5°C, wind W/NW 1-16 mph, overcast dull steady light rain, pressure 1009 hPa
New record for the Yellowhammers today. Sparrowhawk had a go at the tits/finches but with no success and the Woodpeckers have been much less in evidence perhaps as a consequence of her presence. Pity the Greenfinches didn't come down to feed.
Liplje garden feeding station
17 Yellowhammer various ages/sexes
Cirl Bunting male
4 Chaffinch 3 male + female
12+ Great tit
4+ Blue tit
3 Marsh tit
2 G.S. Woodpecker male and female
M.S. Woodpecker
Sparrowhawk female
2 Nuthatch
4 Greenfinch near by on edge of garden
New record for the Yellowhammers today. Sparrowhawk had a go at the tits/finches but with no success and the Woodpeckers have been much less in evidence perhaps as a consequence of her presence. Pity the Greenfinches didn't come down to feed.
Liplje garden feeding station
17 Yellowhammer various ages/sexes
Cirl Bunting male
4 Chaffinch 3 male + female
12+ Great tit
4+ Blue tit
3 Marsh tit
2 G.S. Woodpecker male and female
M.S. Woodpecker
Sparrowhawk female
2 Nuthatch
4 Greenfinch near by on edge of garden
Friday, 23 January 2015
5°C, no wind, mostly overcast and dull, pressure 1006 hPa
Great to have the Black Woody back and performing well. Excellent views today of him drumming. Noticed that he was using short stubs of wood on the main trunk to drum out his message, each stump having a different tone. The drumming wasn't particularly loud but more prolonged than the other species here. I was fascinated by the wonderful tone and resonance that obtained by what looked like a short dead branch on a live main trunk.
Good to see Mistle Thrush which is scarce here with just a few sightings last year
Liplje - circuit 1 8:30-10:15
Black Woodpecker singing & drumming
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
6 Nuthatch probably 3 pairs
2 Eurasian Treecreeper
2 Buzzard
6 Feral Pigeon
Hooded Crow
2 Magpie
11 Jay 7 feeding together
4 Marsh tit
12+ Great tit
6+ Blue tit
2 Blackbird
Mistle Thrush
11 Yellowhammer
2 Cirl Bunting
2 Chaffinch
2 Goldfinch
2 Tree Sparrow
2 Roe Dear doe & buck
First daisies and speedwell's in flower yesterday and green hellebore today.
First honey bees on hazel catkins yesterday.
Great to have the Black Woody back and performing well. Excellent views today of him drumming. Noticed that he was using short stubs of wood on the main trunk to drum out his message, each stump having a different tone. The drumming wasn't particularly loud but more prolonged than the other species here. I was fascinated by the wonderful tone and resonance that obtained by what looked like a short dead branch on a live main trunk.
Good to see Mistle Thrush which is scarce here with just a few sightings last year
Liplje - circuit 1 8:30-10:15
Black Woodpecker singing & drumming
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
6 Nuthatch probably 3 pairs
2 Eurasian Treecreeper
2 Buzzard
6 Feral Pigeon
Hooded Crow
2 Magpie
11 Jay 7 feeding together
4 Marsh tit
12+ Great tit
6+ Blue tit
2 Blackbird
Mistle Thrush
11 Yellowhammer
2 Cirl Bunting
2 Chaffinch
2 Goldfinch
2 Tree Sparrow
2 Roe Dear doe & buck
First daisies and speedwell's in flower yesterday and green hellebore today.
First honey bees on hazel catkins yesterday.
Monday, 19 January 2015
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