Peregrine came out of nowhere stooping on a feral pigeon and the strike was audible!, there was a small flurry of feathers as the chase continued over the tree tops, wow! Was not hugely bigger than the pigeon so definitely a male and showing uniform brownish creamy underside on both wings and body. Upper body grey with brownish hint unlike the the blue/grey of an adult.
Peregrine is a another first for me in Serbia and Liplje,
Fieldfare also in red, is of note as I see so few here as is Bullfinch which is a real rarity and a treat here in Liplje.
Finches in green were in a single flock feeding near the lookout in stubble and weeds.
Possibly another female Cirl Bunting in the garden and an additional Yellowhammer.
Peregrine Falcon Juv male (probable)

2 Buzzard
Fieldfare over N
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker
4 Blackbird 2 male & 2 female
2 Bullfinch male & female
16 Goldfinch
15+ Tree Sparrow
20+ Chaffinch
3 Brambling
2 Yellowhammer
3 Robin
6 Collard Dove
7 Feral Pigeon
6 Pheasant
2 Raven
2 Jay

Front garden feeding station -
5 or 6 Cirl Bunting
2 Yellowhammer
4 Tree Sparrow
3 Chaffinch males
12 Great tit
5 Blue tit
2 Marsh tit
Great Spotted Woodpecker female
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
3 Eurasian Jay
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