17°C,Wind W light,overcast bright, pressure 1011 hPa
The Ortolan was singing at the homestead north of Horsehead Wood which goes to show how easily birds can be overlooked even inside my 1 km square. Wondering now if this could be the same bird that I heard close by on the 3rd ?
Bee-eaters were hanging out on the power cables at the Lookout catching hornets and giving excellent views.
The Stonechat again near to the Lookout was really striking, showing larger white collar patch and a huge white wing panel and a white rump. The wing panel was larger even than that illustrated in my Collins field guide. The breast patch was small and fairly pale.
The other male on the south bank was showing no white on the closed wing. This isn't the male of the pair which have probably bred here recently so it must be a new bird that has turned up, which seems late in the season ? will endevour to get a record shot of it.
The Orioles were all in one tree with possibly 2 singing males, they were jumping around at close quarters before some of them started chasing and flying off.
Yesterday - Ortolan Bunting singing
Today -
15 Bee-eater
Black Woodpecker
G.S.Woodpecker female
Middle Spotted Woodpecker male
Green Woodpecker
7 Red Backed Shrike males
Stonechat (Eastern)
Wood Lark singing
6 Golden Oriole
2 Cuckoo singing
Turtle Dove
Wood Pigeon
Collard Dove
Common Whitethroat
Short-toed Treecreeper calling
2 Cirl Bunting singing
3 Yellowhammer 1 singing
Corn Bunting singing
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