12-18°C,Wind NW 5-16 mph,Cloudy with sunny intervals, pressure 1014 hPa
4-6 Bee-eaters 1 pair seen courtship feeding and a couple hours later 4 seen taking it
easy on power cables. I live in hope of finding a local breeding colony !
Friday, 30 May 2014
Thursday, 29 May 2014
THURSDAY 29th MAY 2014
17°C,Wind W light,overcast bright, pressure 1011 hPa
The Ortolan was singing at the homestead north of Horsehead Wood which goes to show how easily birds can be overlooked even inside my 1 km square. Wondering now if this could be the same bird that I heard close by on the 3rd ?
Bee-eaters were hanging out on the power cables at the Lookout catching hornets and giving excellent views.
The Stonechat again near to the Lookout was really striking, showing larger white collar patch and a huge white wing panel and a white rump. The wing panel was larger even than that illustrated in my Collins field guide. The breast patch was small and fairly pale.
The other male on the south bank was showing no white on the closed wing. This isn't the male of the pair which have probably bred here recently so it must be a new bird that has turned up, which seems late in the season ? will endevour to get a record shot of it.
The Orioles were all in one tree with possibly 2 singing males, they were jumping around at close quarters before some of them started chasing and flying off.
Yesterday - Ortolan Bunting singing
Today -
15 Bee-eater
Black Woodpecker
G.S.Woodpecker female
Middle Spotted Woodpecker male
Green Woodpecker
7 Red Backed Shrike males
Stonechat (Eastern)
Wood Lark singing
6 Golden Oriole
2 Cuckoo singing
Turtle Dove
Wood Pigeon
Collard Dove
Common Whitethroat
Short-toed Treecreeper calling
2 Cirl Bunting singing
3 Yellowhammer 1 singing
Corn Bunting singing
The Ortolan was singing at the homestead north of Horsehead Wood which goes to show how easily birds can be overlooked even inside my 1 km square. Wondering now if this could be the same bird that I heard close by on the 3rd ?
Bee-eaters were hanging out on the power cables at the Lookout catching hornets and giving excellent views.
The Stonechat again near to the Lookout was really striking, showing larger white collar patch and a huge white wing panel and a white rump. The wing panel was larger even than that illustrated in my Collins field guide. The breast patch was small and fairly pale.
The other male on the south bank was showing no white on the closed wing. This isn't the male of the pair which have probably bred here recently so it must be a new bird that has turned up, which seems late in the season ? will endevour to get a record shot of it.
The Orioles were all in one tree with possibly 2 singing males, they were jumping around at close quarters before some of them started chasing and flying off.
Yesterday - Ortolan Bunting singing
Today -
15 Bee-eater
Black Woodpecker
G.S.Woodpecker female
Middle Spotted Woodpecker male
Green Woodpecker
7 Red Backed Shrike males
Stonechat (Eastern)
Wood Lark singing
6 Golden Oriole
2 Cuckoo singing
Turtle Dove
Wood Pigeon
Collard Dove
Common Whitethroat
Short-toed Treecreeper calling
2 Cirl Bunting singing
3 Yellowhammer 1 singing
Corn Bunting singing
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
TUESDAY 27th MAY 2014
250ml of rain/hail
Return of the Redstart today which sang very briefly again from our walnut tree.
Also in same tree the Hawfinch sat at the top for a few minuets giving typical explosive 'tutt'and high pitched calls.
Yet another devotee of our walnut tree the Shrike uses it as a song and lookout post, has anyone ever made a tree list?, for this tree has to be up there with the best for sheer diversity of species ?
The Swallows sat like the perfect pair on our power cable their metallic blue dress shimmering in the morning sun while the female sang to the male which is news to me but apparently they do.
Bee-eaters feeding off the edge of Dell wood
2 Swallow
Common Redstart singing
Hawfinch female
2 Bee-eater
Red Backed Shrike
Return of the Redstart today which sang very briefly again from our walnut tree.
Also in same tree the Hawfinch sat at the top for a few minuets giving typical explosive 'tutt'and high pitched calls.
Yet another devotee of our walnut tree the Shrike uses it as a song and lookout post, has anyone ever made a tree list?, for this tree has to be up there with the best for sheer diversity of species ?
The Swallows sat like the perfect pair on our power cable their metallic blue dress shimmering in the morning sun while the female sang to the male which is news to me but apparently they do.
Bee-eaters feeding off the edge of Dell wood
2 Swallow
Common Redstart singing
Hawfinch female
2 Bee-eater
Red Backed Shrike
Monday, 26 May 2014
SUNDAY 25th MAY 2014
Cloudy in the morning then hot and sunny
Liplje -at home
Bee-eater total now 108
11:30 -
12 Bee-eater over N
17:20 -
2 Bee-eater over SE
Red Backed Shrike singing
12 Great Tit 2 ads.+ juvs
House Sparrow singing
Middle Spotted Woodpecker male
Liplje -at home
Bee-eater total now 108
11:30 -
12 Bee-eater over N
17:20 -
2 Bee-eater over SE
Red Backed Shrike singing
12 Great Tit 2 ads.+ juvs
House Sparrow singing
Middle Spotted Woodpecker male
Saturday, 24 May 2014
SATURDAY 24th MAY 2014
22°C,Wind light variable,bright with some sun & thin cloud cover, Pressure 1013
Liplje - Ciruit 1
The Honey Buzzard came through our garden really close at only 2m off the deck !
The Bee-eaters again seen from our garden later in the day.
The Redstart hasn't returned, I can only think that he was desperately prospecting for a mate ?
4 juv Cirl Bunts in our garden and 2 at Milosh's Plantation
Honey Buzzard
2 Bee-eater over N
Hoopoe singing
Short-toed Treecreeper calling
9 Red Backed Shrike
9 Nightingale singing
5 Golden Oriole singing
5 Common Whitethroat 1 pair + 3 singing males
3 Blackcap singing
2/3 Turtle Dove singing
2 Wood Pigeon singing
5 Nuthatch 2 juvs
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
2 Cuckoo 1 singing female calling
6+ stonechat 2 male + female +3 juvs
8 Cirl Bunting 2 males singing + 6 juvs (2+4)
2 Yellowhammer singing
2 Chaffinch singing
2 Tree Sparrow 1 singing
6+ Great Tit juvs
Blue Tit
Marsh Tit
4+ Long Tailed Tit juvs
Hooded Crow
White Wagtail over
Song Thrush
Liplje - Ciruit 1
The Honey Buzzard came through our garden really close at only 2m off the deck !
The Bee-eaters again seen from our garden later in the day.
The Redstart hasn't returned, I can only think that he was desperately prospecting for a mate ?
4 juv Cirl Bunts in our garden and 2 at Milosh's Plantation
Honey Buzzard
2 Bee-eater over N
Hoopoe singing
Short-toed Treecreeper calling
9 Red Backed Shrike
9 Nightingale singing
5 Golden Oriole singing
5 Common Whitethroat 1 pair + 3 singing males
3 Blackcap singing
2/3 Turtle Dove singing
2 Wood Pigeon singing
5 Nuthatch 2 juvs
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
2 Cuckoo 1 singing female calling
6+ stonechat 2 male + female +3 juvs
8 Cirl Bunting 2 males singing + 6 juvs (2+4)
2 Yellowhammer singing
2 Chaffinch singing
2 Tree Sparrow 1 singing
6+ Great Tit juvs
Blue Tit
Marsh Tit
4+ Long Tailed Tit juvs
Hooded Crow
White Wagtail over
Song Thrush
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
THURSDAY 22nd MAY 2014
15-29°C,Wind SE up to 10mph,mostly clear sunny,Pressure 1015hPa
The Redstart appeared at about 7am and sang from the top of our walnut tree in the front garden for about 3 hours then seemed to disappear ? A real treat as he was very confiding and again unexpected.
Common Redstart singing
Lijg town centre
Lesser Whitethroat singing
Black Redstart singing
11-26°C,Wind S/SE light, Sunny, Pressure 1020 hPa
Liplje - circuit 1
Marsh Warbler seen and heard at close quarters in bushes.Lovely soft grey brown above, creamy off white below with hint of yellow with whiter throat and fairly prominent whitish orbital, and eyebrow in front of eye. Legs pinkish. Contrast noted between fringes and centres of flight feathers.None of the warm tints of Reed and no red/brown on rump.
Song rapid, sustained and full of mimicry - House Sparrow, Blue Tit, Swallow, Blackcap, Blackbird amongst others I didn't recognise. Sweeter less harsh than Reed Warbler.
No suitable habitat that I know of near by so I guess this is a migrant. Really chuffed to have seen this bird which l hadn't expected up here.
Quail in grassy set aside off the South Bank, heard only.
Cracking male Redsart in Milosh's plantation, would be nice if it remained to breed.
1 Wryneck seen sunbathing in dead tree.
Good to hear 2 Corn Buntings singing as they haven't been all that consistent but both in previous locations.
Greenfinches seem to be putting in more of an appearance.
Evidence of at least 3 pairs of Cirl Bunting having bred, this pair at Milosh's my pair at home and the pair at the Grave yard.
Marsh Warbler singing
Quail singing
Common Redstart male
Bee-eater over calling
2 Wryneck calling
9 Red Backed Shrike 3 pairs + 3 males
3 Golden Oriole singing
6 Nightingale singing
5 Stonechat pair with 3 juvs
2 Common Whitethroat singing
2 Corn Bunting singing
3 Cirl Bunting pair with juv
2 Yellowhammwr singing
2 Greenfinch 1 singing
Chaffinch singing
Cuckoo singing
4 Swallow
Great Tit
30 + Starling juvs
2 Hooded Crow pair
2 Buzzard
Liplje - circuit 1
Marsh Warbler seen and heard at close quarters in bushes.Lovely soft grey brown above, creamy off white below with hint of yellow with whiter throat and fairly prominent whitish orbital, and eyebrow in front of eye. Legs pinkish. Contrast noted between fringes and centres of flight feathers.None of the warm tints of Reed and no red/brown on rump.
Song rapid, sustained and full of mimicry - House Sparrow, Blue Tit, Swallow, Blackcap, Blackbird amongst others I didn't recognise. Sweeter less harsh than Reed Warbler.
No suitable habitat that I know of near by so I guess this is a migrant. Really chuffed to have seen this bird which l hadn't expected up here.
Quail in grassy set aside off the South Bank, heard only.
Cracking male Redsart in Milosh's plantation, would be nice if it remained to breed.
1 Wryneck seen sunbathing in dead tree.
Good to hear 2 Corn Buntings singing as they haven't been all that consistent but both in previous locations.
Greenfinches seem to be putting in more of an appearance.
Evidence of at least 3 pairs of Cirl Bunting having bred, this pair at Milosh's my pair at home and the pair at the Grave yard.
Marsh Warbler singing
Quail singing
Common Redstart male
Bee-eater over calling
2 Wryneck calling
9 Red Backed Shrike 3 pairs + 3 males
3 Golden Oriole singing
6 Nightingale singing
5 Stonechat pair with 3 juvs
2 Common Whitethroat singing
2 Corn Bunting singing
3 Cirl Bunting pair with juv
2 Yellowhammwr singing
2 Greenfinch 1 singing
Chaffinch singing
Cuckoo singing
4 Swallow
Great Tit
30 + Starling juvs
2 Hooded Crow pair
2 Buzzard
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
TUESDAY 20th MAY 2014
11-25°C,Wind light variable.mostly sunny with light cloud cover. Pressure 1019hPa
Thursday 15th May - 570ml of rain
Friday 16th May - 425ml of rain. Liplje -at home
2 Bee-eater over SW
3 Bee-eater over E
2 Spotted Flycatcher
Hawfinch 1 juv
Cuckoo singing
Blackcap singing
Cirl Bunting singing
7 Marsh Tit 4 or 5 juvs
Total rainfall for the 4 days is 1570ml !
Today -
White Stork
Black Redstart
Vrujci -
Black Stork over
2 Common Redstart 1 singing
Serin singing
Greenfinch singing
Thursday 15th May - 570ml of rain
Friday 16th May - 425ml of rain. Liplje -at home
2 Bee-eater over SW
3 Bee-eater over E
2 Spotted Flycatcher
Hawfinch 1 juv
Cuckoo singing
Blackcap singing
Cirl Bunting singing
7 Marsh Tit 4 or 5 juvs
Total rainfall for the 4 days is 1570ml !
Today -
White Stork
Black Redstart
Vrujci -
Black Stork over
2 Common Redstart 1 singing
Serin singing
Greenfinch singing
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
12°C,Wind N 10-25 mph, overcast heavy rain since last night (575ml at 17.30 !)
Pressure 1004
Pressure 1004
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
TUESDAY 13th MAY 2014
Liplje - at home
Bee-eater total now on 86 for last 7 day viz mig
Adult Great tit (with juvs) inspecting used nest box. Would like to think same birds might have secound brood in same box.
8 Bee-eater over N
Cirl Bunting singing
Yellowhammer singing
Cuckoo singing
2 Nightingale singing
Golden Oriole singing
Chaffinch singing
Blackcap singing
5 Marsh Tit 3+Juvs
4 Great Tit 1 singing,2+ juvs
5 LongTailed Tit 4+ juvs
Green Woodpecker
Bee-eater total now on 86 for last 7 day viz mig
Adult Great tit (with juvs) inspecting used nest box. Would like to think same birds might have secound brood in same box.
8 Bee-eater over N
Cirl Bunting singing
Yellowhammer singing
Cuckoo singing
2 Nightingale singing
Golden Oriole singing
Chaffinch singing
Blackcap singing
5 Marsh Tit 3+Juvs
4 Great Tit 1 singing,2+ juvs
5 LongTailed Tit 4+ juvs
Green Woodpecker
Monday, 12 May 2014
MONDAY12th MAY 2014
8-18°C,Wind NW 6mph,overcast dull,rain showers,brighter & sun later,
Pressure 1015 hPa
17:05 -
4 Bee-eater over E
Pressure 1015 hPa
17:05 -
4 Bee-eater over E
Sunday, 11 May 2014
SUNDAY 11th MAY 2014
Clear sunny light cloud later
Stonechat juvs were newly fledged ,stil being fed by parents.
16 Bee-eater 12 over E, 4 over E
Hobby hawking/feeding on wing
5 Red Backed shrike 4 male
Corn Bunting singing
8 Stonechat 2 pairs + 1 male + 3 juvs
Stonechat juvs were newly fledged ,stil being fed by parents.
16 Bee-eater 12 over E, 4 over E
Hobby hawking/feeding on wing
5 Red Backed shrike 4 male
Corn Bunting singing
8 Stonechat 2 pairs + 1 male + 3 juvs
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Clear hot and sunny
Liplje at home
2nd day of hearing the Lesser Pecker close to home
16 Bee-eater 12 over N, 4 over E
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker drumming
Liplje at home
2nd day of hearing the Lesser Pecker close to home
16 Bee-eater 12 over N, 4 over E
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker drumming
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
TUESDAY 6th MAY 2014
17°C,Wind light variable,clear sunny,Pressure 1021hPa
Liplje 07:10 - 09;20
Just fantastic birding today with so many excellent species.
The density of species just seems incredible at times, today I stood in one spot and saw both Shrikes, Bee-eater, Ortolan Bunting, Corn Bunting, Stonechat, Whinchat, Black Redstart, Common Whitethroat and Barn Swallow and heard Nightingale,Wryneck Golden Oriole, Wood Lark and Cuckoo !
The Woodchat was a treat sitting out obligingly on a dead stump sallying forth for insects but returning time and again to same perch.
The Honey Buzzard was soaring and noticed ginger tints on the transparent secoundaries and inner tail.
Black Stork was initially quite low and gave excellent views over Milos's as it soared round on the thermals.
Bee-eaters gave notice via that classic call, just love these birds which have a charm and special character all their own. The party of 6 seen while gardening at home.
The jury is still out on this Bonelli's Warbler, haven't yet managed to see one and the songs Ive been listening to on-line are putting it in the Western camp ?
The Ortolan sat on top of hedge/tree line singing what seemed to be a couple of different phrases one sounding very much from the yellowhammer book.
Wrynecks seem to have gone very shy and this is first Ive heard for a while
Woodchat Shrike male ?
3 Red Backed Shrike 1singing, 2
male + female
Bee-eater over E
Honey Buzzard over N
Black Stork over W
Wryneck singing
Bonelli's Warbler singing
Ortolan Bunting singing
Corn Bunting
Cirl Bunting singing
Whinchat male
Black Redstart singing
5 Common Whitethroat singing
3 Golden Oriole male + 2 1st yr male/female
6 Stonechat 3 pairs
6 Nightingale singing
6 Bee-eater over E
Liplje 07:10 - 09;20
Just fantastic birding today with so many excellent species.
The density of species just seems incredible at times, today I stood in one spot and saw both Shrikes, Bee-eater, Ortolan Bunting, Corn Bunting, Stonechat, Whinchat, Black Redstart, Common Whitethroat and Barn Swallow and heard Nightingale,Wryneck Golden Oriole, Wood Lark and Cuckoo !
The Woodchat was a treat sitting out obligingly on a dead stump sallying forth for insects but returning time and again to same perch.
The Honey Buzzard was soaring and noticed ginger tints on the transparent secoundaries and inner tail.
Black Stork was initially quite low and gave excellent views over Milos's as it soared round on the thermals.
Bee-eaters gave notice via that classic call, just love these birds which have a charm and special character all their own. The party of 6 seen while gardening at home.
The jury is still out on this Bonelli's Warbler, haven't yet managed to see one and the songs Ive been listening to on-line are putting it in the Western camp ?
The Ortolan sat on top of hedge/tree line singing what seemed to be a couple of different phrases one sounding very much from the yellowhammer book.
Wrynecks seem to have gone very shy and this is first Ive heard for a while
Woodchat Shrike male ?
3 Red Backed Shrike 1singing, 2
male + female
Bee-eater over E
Honey Buzzard over N
Black Stork over W
Wryneck singing
Bonelli's Warbler singing
Ortolan Bunting singing
Corn Bunting
Cirl Bunting singing
Whinchat male
Black Redstart singing
5 Common Whitethroat singing
3 Golden Oriole male + 2 1st yr male/female
6 Nightingale singing
6 Bee-eater over E
Monday, 5 May 2014
MONDAY 5th MAY 2014
7-15°C,Wind NW 5-15MPH,Cloudy with sunny intervals,Pressure 1019
First Spotted fly this year. In Garden/forest clearing just below our home.
It appears I have been mistaken thinking I had heard Wood Warbler previously. The short phrase I heard I now believe to have been Eastern Bonelli's Warbler. It dawned on me today when again I heard It and as before thought that if it was Wood Warbler it was not singing the complete song just the trill part. This may also explain my inability to locate it ? the previous 2 or 3 seemed to have moved on or at least are no longer singing in the same area.
Although I could probably tick this species I guess I need to able to rule out Western Bonelli's Warbler. Will Certainly be looking harder next time.
Hoopoe pitched up in our Walnut tree raised its crown and gave a quiet ''poo po po'' and flew off.Roll on the garden ticks !
Spotted Flycatcher
Eastern Bonelli's Warbler ? Singing
First Spotted fly this year. In Garden/forest clearing just below our home.
It appears I have been mistaken thinking I had heard Wood Warbler previously. The short phrase I heard I now believe to have been Eastern Bonelli's Warbler. It dawned on me today when again I heard It and as before thought that if it was Wood Warbler it was not singing the complete song just the trill part. This may also explain my inability to locate it ? the previous 2 or 3 seemed to have moved on or at least are no longer singing in the same area.
Although I could probably tick this species I guess I need to able to rule out Western Bonelli's Warbler. Will Certainly be looking harder next time.
Hoopoe pitched up in our Walnut tree raised its crown and gave a quiet ''poo po po'' and flew off.Roll on the garden ticks !
Spotted Flycatcher
Eastern Bonelli's Warbler ? Singing
Sunday, 4 May 2014
SUNDAY 4th MAY 2014
7-12 °C,Wind W 1-20mph, overcast dull raining all day and half of yesterday-350ml (3in) of rain, Pressure 1010 hPa
breifly saw a Hypolais type warbler yesterday morning giving a sub song I didn't recognise with some buzzing notes.
Picked up pale yellow underside, short pale eyebrow and flesh coloured bill.
More likely Icterine but I cant rule out Melodious as was not in full song and no wing colouration or leg colour observed.
Icterine/Melodious Warbler ?
breifly saw a Hypolais type warbler yesterday morning giving a sub song I didn't recognise with some buzzing notes.
Picked up pale yellow underside, short pale eyebrow and flesh coloured bill.
More likely Icterine but I cant rule out Melodious as was not in full song and no wing colouration or leg colour observed.
Icterine/Melodious Warbler ?
Thursday, 1 May 2014
11 °C,Wind light variable,cloudy with brighter intervals, Pressure 1009hPa
Black Woodpecker flew in and fed on our walnut tree while I was working in veg. plot, must be getting used to me ?
The Great Tits in our nest box are close to fledging
Black Woodpecker male
Hoopoe singing
2 Turtle dove singing
2 golden Oriole singing
14 Great Tit 12 nestlings
Black Woodpecker flew in and fed on our walnut tree while I was working in veg. plot, must be getting used to me ?
The Great Tits in our nest box are close to fledging
Black Woodpecker male
Hoopoe singing
2 Turtle dove singing
2 golden Oriole singing
14 Great Tit 12 nestlings
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